Thank you, President Joe Biden.

Your service to the nation has been admirable. Your selfless decision to elevate progress over self is a lesson to us all.

We are grateful for your service.

For those that wish to continue in your example, click here to link with the Kamala Harris 2024 Connection Page

NOTE: Please hang with us as we catchup. We’ll be reworking this page to reflect the update race soon.

A Resource and Connections Guide for Kansas Democrats

This guide is provided for those Kansas Democrats who are interested in and wish to engage more fully in the Biden/Harris 2024 Campaign for reelection.

Major Links

Joe Biden Campaign Website -

The official home of the Biden campaign, with news, achievements, donation link and email and volunteer sign-ups.

The Democratic National Committee Website -

The DNC is taking lead on organizing callers and volunteers to support President Biden, with an emphasis on the critical battleground states. Support can come from all corners:

Events and Training Online - Sign-Up at

Making Calls in Priority Areas -

Social Media and Personal Connections -

The Kansas Community of Support

This is an editor’s selection of links to websites, social media groups and others that are connecting Kansans in their support for President Biden, and his reelection along with Vice President Kamala Harris. Links are provided for the convenience of our site visitors, no endorsement of any particular link is implied.

Biden Base - Kansas - A public-facing Facebook group for organizing and work among Kansans on behalf of the Biden/Harris campaign 2024.

Signs and Bumper Stickers

The easiest way to get a Biden/Harris sign, bumper sticker or other merchandise to show support is through a direct donation and order on their website, at the Joe Biden store.

This page is provided as courtesy to Kansas Democrats from the Food and Farm Caucus PAC for those that wish to access the resources given. It has not been authorized by any campaign or campaign committee.