Civic Spaces
Kansas Democrats care about good public policy and the proper function of democracy. Below are just a few of the non-partisan groups working to maintain our Civic Spaces.
Justice, Education & Opportunity
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Kansas is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the civil rights and liberties of all people living in Kansas.
Kansas Appleseed is a statewide advocacy organization dedicated to the belief that Kansans, working together, can build a more thriving, inclusive, and just Kansas.
Kansas Interfaith Action (KIFA) is a statewide, multi–faith issue–advocacy organization that “puts faith into action” by educating, engaging and advocating on behalf of people of faith and the public regarding critical social, economic, and climate justice issues.
The League of Women Voters of Kansas is grassroots, volunteer, nonpartisan political organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government and has influenced public policy through education and advocacy.
Agriculture & Environment
Kansas Farmers Union represents members engaged in diverse farming and ranching pursuits, through education, legislation, and cooperation.
Kansas Rural Center promotes the long-term health of the land and its people through research, education and advocacy.
The Sierra Club educates, advocates and litigates to protect the environment. It is the oldest and most influential grassroots environmental organization in the nation, working locally through the state-based Kansas Chapter.
Other sections coming soon
(work in progress as of 11/29/24)
We list these groups here as a service to our members - no endorsement or partisanship of the groups themselves is implied.