An Invitation to Join
Kansas Democrats have work to do – and news to share.
Harvest Blue is a newly launched website cooperative intended to help organize and share.
Housed under a common banner, our members are creating a grassroots web home at www.harvestblue.org
If your Kansas Democratic Organization is interest in joining the effort, please Contact Us.
The Cooperative Effort
We are working together as a shared cooperative to enhance our digital presence and do the hard work of organizing and connecting Kansans.
Membership is open to Democratic Party County Central Committees and recognized Caucuses and Congressional District Committees. By working together, we save on costs and administrative time, while also finding new ways to share news and collaborate.
Building Your Site
Each County Party , Committee and Caucus is unique – with their own news, their own history, their own story. Website pages need to reflect that individuality. Feel free to explore our members’ pages to get a sense of possibilities.
The Harvest Blue volunteer technical team will build your pages for you – no technical expertise is required. We only ask that members engage us with their creativity and content. The website is built on a commercial content management system that simplifies upkeep while also keeping a polished, professional look.
News is Key
To keep each page fresh and streamline the organization, we are built around a News platform. Your events, announcements, commentary, editorials and achievements are all packaged into the news blog to be featured on your front page. News items are also shared under a common news feed so you can see what all the groups are doing.
Digital Marketing
We are all awash in digital media - websites, emails, social media. It can be a challenge for organizations to know where to publish and how to integrate. By posting your larger and durable messages on a website, you keep stronger control over format and message. The website leans heavily on graphics and photographs for interest and appeal. Links from the website on email and social media are structured to carry forward a clean and professional look with thumbnail image - making it easier to cross-post on multiple platforms.
This cooperative effort is administered by the Food and Farm Caucus, a recognized ancillary organization of the Kansas Democratic Party. We have taken this on as a special project to help expand the reach of Kansas Democratic organizations, especially smaller rural parties and Caucuses - like our own - that might otherwise find hosting a website as a big commitment.
There is no fee or cost share required to join the cooperative. So, you may ask, what’s the catch? We do have modest expenses to run this site. We will actively fundraise to support it and will welcome help in finding benefactors. Our upkeep of the site is volunteer-driven and we welcome helpers from across our membership to join the technical team. Beyond that, our main ask of members is a commitment to work together and keep the content coming.
For ethics reporting purposes, active membership in the website cooperative will be counted as an “In-Kind Contribution” from the Food and Farm of KDP PAC to each member organization – with a value based on shares of the annual costs divided by the number of groups. We will provide our members with an annual notice of in-kind contribution value.
Our Future
We have high hopes for the future of this effort and the engagement we can produce. If access to this effort is of interest to your group, please Contact Us.
Invitation information was last updated 2/10/2024. Please contact us for latest details.