November Done.  Chart Forward

That wasn’t what we wanted.  It doesn’t bode well for the nation or Kansas.

There are stark and profound differences between the chaos and animosity that the President-elect continues to drag around him and the spirit of community and smart policy we could have had. 

The radical GOP super-majority in the Kansas legislature is emboldened.  Elections have consequences.

The Ad Astra sculpture of a native American shooting an arrow to the stars, the statue on top of the Kansas Capitol

Ad Astra, image from the Capitol Dome (wikimedia commons, cc0)

My suggestion --- Square your shoulders and chart the way forward.

Our nation, this state, your neighbors – they need an effective and united Democratic opposition.  The sooner we consolidate and focus, the better.

"Ad astra per aspera”

Social Networks

Politics is about people, relationships and dialogue.  The reality of the 21st Century is that we meet online and we do so in many different places ---- and for now at least, under the watchful and manipulative eye of billionaires and corporate control.   Such it is.

 Kamala Harris’s campaign inspired many Kansans to connect and meet new people – and we need to take that spirit of open welcome with us.  One particular channel with close connection to the Harvest Blue community is

Kamala Harris Inspired Kansans (Facebook group)

This group was renamed after the election and is staying true to a positive, appreciative engagement around the Biden-Harris accomplishments and the broader Democratic community.  Watch for a rebranding closer to Inauguration Day – but the vibe will continue. 

The various member organizations of this Harvest Blue Cooperative also have their own community and local Facebook and online spaces.  Please visit their pages here for links.

Washington Days

The Kansas Democratic Party will meet in person in Topeka for Washington Days on Friday Feb 28 and Saturday March 1st next year in Topeka.  This is the most important annual meeting of the party and a time for community building – save the date.

Thank you Kansas Democratic Candidates

A robust number of Kansas Democrats filed to challenge Republicans for seats in the legislature.  The candidates engaged voters and worked events to compete in their races.  Several new faces will be sworn in as Democratic legislators in January.  A number of our current legislators are returning, though sadly not all.  To all who ran – Thank You.  A status board of all the 2024 races is here on the Harvest Blue site. 

Now is the time to be recruiting for 2026.

Trump Watch 2025

The salesman is busy selling the nation on an unqualified and extremist cabinet and other appointments. At least one of our GOP Senators has made it clear he’s down for it all.  The more senior Senator might, at the margin or behind the scenes, show more statesmanship - time will tell. All eyes will be on what the salesman and his squad manage to pull off.

We will do our best on Harvest Blue to keep an eye on it as well - We Are Watching the tangible moves being made by disruptor and his syncophants to undermine our rule of law and norms of society. Learn the names. Watch how this starts. Ignore the clutter. Be ready to call out extremism and self-dealing.

County Parties Need You

All across Kansas, your local County Democratic Central Committees are reorganizing.  New and returning officers and chairs are making plans for the next 2 years. Most are searching for volunteer leaders who can help with countless initiatives.  Please reach out to your County party now and ask how you can help.  Check the “Our Members” tab here for those that are Harvest Blue members --- or visit the KDP website for a listing of all the organized parties. If you are in a County that is not officially organized, contact us and we can help get you connected.

Food and Farm Caucus Activities Committee

The Food and Farm Caucus is standing up its own “Activities Committee” to more robustly plan and execute tangible tasks in 2025 and 2026.  A variety of policy and political-action topics are under consideration – most all of which have unique connections to our Food and Farm communities.  We will engage on food and farm policy, rural development, and civil liberties.  We will work on tangible engagement, logistics, and outreach activities.  We will have FUN in the process.  If you would like to participate, please contact us.

Newsletter prepared by the Harvest Blue editorial team and the Food and Farm Caucus, who are solely responsible for its content. Photo: “Ad Astra, Kansas State Capitol dome top sculpture, night.” On Wikimedia Commons CCO (public domain), taken by Mike Linksvayer, 11/27/14


Giving Voters a Choice


The Crucial Week