Washington Days Recap - Inspired!


“Make Kansas the best place in the country to raise a family.”

Governor Laura Kelly describes this as the North Star for her second term. This was also the central message shared by Kelly and other Kansas Democratic leaders during Washington Days, the annual party meeting held March 15-16 in Topeka.

The two-day assembly included formal meetings of the State Democratic Committee and related organizations; legislative and electoral updates; and networking and brainstorming among the several hundred attendees about ways to build on progress in Kansas.

Some of the key speakers at Washington Days 2024, including (left to right) House Dem Leader Vic Miller, former Ks Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, Minn Gov Tim Walz, Ks Gov Laura Kelly, Senate Dem Leader Dinah Sykes, and KDP Chair Jeanna Repass (photo courtesy of CD2)

Caucus and Congressional Districts met in the morning of Saturday March 16th to handle business and hear from invited speakers. Candidates planning to run for office in 2024 hustled from room to room to share their vision and practice their delivery. Caucuses and Congressional District Committees currently active on HarvestBlue include The Big First CD1, the Second District CD2, the Hispanic Caucus, the Food and Farm Caucus and coming soon, the KDP Disabilities Caucus.

Kansas Lt. Governor David Toland spoke at the Saturday Luncheon, while Congresswoman Sharice Davids of the Kansas 3rd District offered a video message.

Awards were presented to individuals who had made outstanding contributions to the state and progressive policy and organizing - including honors for Senator Oletha Faust-Goudeau, Nancy Pence, Mark Schaukowitch, Dr. Emily Walters, Monica Vargas, Brandie Armstrong, Chris Wing, and Ethel Edwards.

“I’m thrilled to announce that Washington Days was a resounding success. Kansas Democrats are highly motivated and hardworking,” said KDP Chair Jeanna Repass, “It’s extremely special when we’re able to gather together in one place.”

Building a more progressive future is not just a pipe-dream. In her keynote banquet remarks, Kelly recounted how, as a bipartisan leader, she led the state in fully funding schools, improving infrastructure and breaking records for business investment and job creation.

But bipartisan solutions are hard to come by when only one party consistently wants to hear and act upon the needs of everyday Kansans.

Senate Democratic Leader Dina Sykes lamented the time that Republicans waste on culture war issues instead of quality K-12 education, women’s reproductive rights, and Medicaid expansion. She highlighted the progress electorally that has been made in Johnson County by focusing on these issues, while also committing to support candidates and electoral success in districts across the state.

House Democratic Leader Vic Miller shared his own disappointment with the Kansas GOP —- in more colorful language. But he also highlighted the resilience of the House and Senate Democratic legislators in Topeka, and of the quality recruiting they’ve done for new Democratic candidates statewide. “I am so proud of my people,” said Miller.

The challenges of dealing with ever more extreme Republican tactics is not unique to Kansas. Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota was the Keynote Speaker for the Evening Banquet on Saturday. He recounted how a thin but sufficient Democratic sweep in Minnesota in November 2022 led the way for bold progress.

“Minnesota is showing the country you don't win elections to bank political capital ,” said Minnesota Gov. Walz. “You win elections to burn political capital and improve lives.”

For a further taste of Governor Walz message and the inspiration he provided Kansas Dems, check out this video.

Gov Tim Walz and the One Minnesota Vision (courtesy of Minnesota Governor’s Office, on Youtube)


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