Ruiz and Oropeza Give Legislative Updates to the Hispanic Caucus

State Representatives Lous Ruiz and Melissa Oropeza provided insight on the start of the legislative session during the January 20 online meeting of the Hispanic Caucus.

Representative Ruiz (D-Wyandotte Co)said that Democrats were focused on opposing the flat tax proposal which was at that time barreling through the Capitol and facing a near certain veto. Ruiz noted press reports of how the tax bill lavished its benefits on the most wealthy Kansans.

Rep. Louis Ruiz, D-Wyandotte Co. (photo: Ks Legislature)

Ruis also noted other bad legislation that Republicans were pushing - including a gun bill that would undermine federal law enforcement and claim total State autonomy on gun issues. That same commitment to local control does not extend, however, from the state to local jurisdictions, as evidenced by the continued meddling by Topeka in Wyandotte County and other municipal affairs.

Ruiz noted that there was a hearing coming up on the issues associated with the Shawnee Indian Mission and the likely presence of child graves on the site. The Shawnee Tribe is working to obtain control of the site.

Representative Oropeza (D-Wyandotte Co) serves on the Health and Human Services Committee and made comments about the push this year for Medicaid Expansion. The University of Kansas Cancer Center has begun work on a building to house research. There is excitement about the economic development potential that will come with North American hosting the World Cup in 2026 --- the Kansas City metro area, including Wyandotte and Johnson Counties ---- will see World Cup activity.

Rep. Melissa Oropeza, D-Wyandotte Co (photo: Ks Legislature)

There also continue to be bills introduced by Republicans related to election law---including House Bill 2504 that would create even more requirements for the auditing of ballots.

Following the presentation, Juan Luengo and the other officers gave updates on the work of the Hispanic Caucus. A Whatsapp texting channel is being opened to help with communications and the Caucus has an opportunity to join a website initiative.

The Caucus is updating a candidate questionnaire and planning fund raising in the hopes of providing tangible support to quality candidates in 2024. Caucus members were encouraged to get involved in various advocacy efforts that were underway, for more information, Contact the Caucus officers.

The following meeting of the Hispanic Caucus was held online on Saturday February 17, featuring House Minority Whip Stephanie Sawyer Clayton (D-Johnson Co). A separate article will be posted soon to cover the February meeting.


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